Charles S. Johnson edited Ebony and Topaz.
Countee Cullen edited Caroling Dusk.
Bruce Nugents
first published poem, "Shadows," was rescued from
the trash by Langston
Hughes and sent to Opportunity magazine. "Shadows"
was later reprinted in Countee Cullens Caroling
Alain Locke
edited Four Negro Poets. Jean
Toomer and Langston
Hughes are included.
Alain Locke
and T. Montgomery
Gregory published Plays of Negro Life.
Georgia Douglas
Johnson produced her drama, Blue Blood, in New
Gwendolyn Bennett
published her only two short stories. Wedding Day
appeared in
and Tokens appeared in Ebony and Topaz.
Lewis Alexander was honorary editor of the Carolina
This magazine was the official literary publication of the students
of the University of North Carolina.
The Third Annual Opportunity Contest added the
Pictorial Awards and the Special Buckner Awards. The Buckner
Awards were for conspicuous promise. Winners affiliated with
Washington, DC are as follows:
Short Story
3rd prize shared: John P. Davis
1st prize: Sterling
A. Brown for "When De Saints Go Machin
3rd prize: shared: Frank
Horne for "Concerning White People" and Sterling
A. Brown for "The Plight of Certain Intellectuals"
Personal Experience Sketch
3rd prize shared: Frank
Horne for "I Am Initiated Into the Negro Race"
Musical Composition
2nd prize for arrangement of Negro Spirituals
and Folk Songs: Ernest E. Peace for "Nobody Knows De
Trouble Ive Seen"
1st prize: Georgia
Douglas Johnson for "Plumes"
Special Buckner Award
4th prize: Frank
Horne for an essay, "Concerning White People"
5th prize: Sterling
A. Brown for an essay, "The Plight of Certain Intellectuals"
Opportunity announced the suspension of its Literary
Prize Contest.
The Crisis winners that were affiliated with Washington,
DC are as follows:
Prizes in Literary Art and Expression
1st prize: Marita
O. Bonner for "The Purple Flower",
a fantasy; "Exit", a play; "Drab Rambles",
a short story; and "The Young Blood Hungers", an essay.
2nd prize: Brenda Ray Moryck for three short
stories: "Old Days and New", "Days", and "Her
Little Brother."
Prizes for Covers
4th prize: Allan R. Freelon for A Jungle