• Charles S. Johnson edited Ebony and Topaz.

  • Countee Cullen edited Caroling Dusk.

  • Bruce Nugent’s first published poem, "Shadows," was rescued from the trash by Langston Hughes and sent to Opportunity magazine. "Shadows" was later reprinted in Countee Cullen’s Caroling Dusk.

  • Alain Locke edited Four Negro Poets. Jean Toomer and Langston Hughes are included.

  • Alain Locke and T. Montgomery Gregory published Plays of Negro Life.

  • Georgia Douglas Johnson produced her drama, “Blue Blood,” in New York.

  • Gwendolyn Bennett published her only two short stories. “Wedding Day” appeared in Core CollectionFire!! and “Tokens” appeared in Ebony and Topaz.

  • Lewis Alexander was honorary editor of the Carolina Magazine. This magazine was the official literary publication of the students of the University of North Carolina.

  • The Third Annual Opportunity Contest added the Pictorial Awards and the Special Buckner Awards. The Buckner Awards were for conspicuous promise. Winners affiliated with Washington, DC are as follows:

    Short Story

    3rd prize shared: John P. Davis


    1st prize: Sterling A. Brown for "When De Saints Go Ma’chin’ Home"


    3rd prize: shared: Frank Horne for "Concerning White People" and Sterling A. Brown for "The Plight of Certain Intellectuals"

    Personal Experience Sketch

    3rd prize shared: Frank Horne for "I Am Initiated Into the Negro Race"

    Musical Composition

    2nd prize for arrangement of Negro Spirituals and Folk Songs: Ernest E. Peace for "Nobody Knows De Trouble I’ve Seen"


    1st prize: Georgia Douglas Johnson for "Plumes"

    Special Buckner Award

    4th prize: Frank Horne for an essay, "Concerning White People"

    5th prize: Sterling A. Brown for an essay, "The Plight of Certain Intellectuals"

  • Opportunity announced the suspension of its Literary Prize Contest.

  • The Crisis winners that were affiliated with Washington, DC are as follows:

Prizes in Literary Art and Expression

1st prize: Marita O. Bonner for "The Purple Flower", a fantasy; "Exit", a play; "Drab Rambles", a short story; and "The Young Blood Hungers", an essay.

2nd prize: Brenda Ray Moryck for three short stories: "Old Days and New", "Days", and "Her Little Brother."

Prizes for Covers

4th prize: Allan R. Freelon for A Jungle Nymph.

Titles marked Core Collection are included in the Core Collection of Harlem Renaissance Books at the Libraries.

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The Black Renaissance in Washington, D.C., 1920-1930s
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